Decentralized Science: How it Can Help to Address the Reproducibility Crisis in Research — Part Two

DeSci Africa
4 min readDec 18, 2023


While the definition of reproducibility seemed simple during our discussion, it is important to note that implementing reproducibility in research works using decentralized science could be multifactorial. This could include decentralized science platforms specialized in data collection, lab simulation, and research paper review. We’ll be discussing the platforms that fall under each of these categories.

Data Collection Platforms

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GenomesDAO is an organization specialized in storing encrypted DNA data of individuals. The data security is built in a way that even GenomesDAO has no access to one’s DNA data. While individuals are rewarded for their DNA data contributions, they can still choose what their data should be used for, how it should be used, where it should be used, and when it should be used. Because of this high security, the data cannot be altered. Hence, the lack of variability in the data repository used in different research studies improves the likelihood of reproducibility.

Reputable Health

Reputable Health is a platform powered by AI specifically used to provide recommendations to users based on the health data gathered from their health and wellness biomarkers. Reputable Health adds value to the blockchain ecosystem by selling the anonymized data of users to organizations who are interested in utilizing it for research purposes thereby aiding the concept of reproducibility in research.

Data Lake

Data Lake specializes in sourcing data from patients. They empower patients to share their clinical data so that they can be shared with organizations that are in need of it for several purposes including research purposes. Their partnership with Donate Your Data Foundation and Ethical Data Coalition provides them with the obligation to use the data ethically while implementing anonymity in the data.

Lab Simulation Platforms

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Sometimes reproducibility could be affected if the methodology of researchers are altered probably due to variation in tool quality, sizes, process of experimentation, or change in environment. Due to this, it is important for researchers to establish an environment that gives no room for change in what was done in previous research. Hence, one needs to know the DeSci platforms specialized in these services.


LabDAO creates a simulated environment for your biology experiments. Through LabDAO, you have access to open-source tools and can be able to track how your experiments are carried out. You can also share results generated from your experiments with other researchers through the platform.

Review Platforms

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While reviewing the works of researchers, it is important to take these works through critical appraisal tools to evaluate the quality of the work. This is important to check if the work is reproducible. Hence, DeSci platforms that specialize in reviewing the works of researchers are great assets to the world of decentralized science.


TalentDAO is a community of researchers, storytellers, and strategists based on Discord which is responsible for reviewing articles in the social science field.

Longevity Decentralized Review

Longevity Decentralized Review is an organization that pays scientists to review the works of other scientists. Scientists could choose to upload their works using the free or paid tier. Then, other researchers review the works anonymously. The anonymous reviews are upvoted and commented on by other scientists to build the reputation of the reviewer. The Longevity Decentralized Review then pays the reviewers for their reviews.

In summary, achieving reproducibility in decentralized science involves specialized platforms for data collection, lab simulation, and research review. GenomesDAO, Reputable Health, and Data Lake ensure secure data handling, bolstering reproducibility. LabDAO offers controlled environments for consistent experimentation. Review platforms like TalentDAO and Longevity Decentralized Review provide critical appraisal, incentivizing rigorous evaluation. Embracing these platforms advances reliable and innovative research, benefiting society at large.

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DeSci Africa

Our mission is to support scientists in Africa through Decentralized Science.